Sunday, July 04, 2010


Though it pains me to think of the whole nation being as flummoxed as I am on this July 4th--I've never found misery to love company, frankly--I think the only way to get through all our current trials and woes is to return to my hard-to-learn mantra, "Let it go!"

Let it go.

You've had an argument with your loved one over a momentary comment intended one way, interpreted as another.  But you love each other.  Let it go.

You thought you were going to end up with more cash and more self-esteem as a result of hard work, determination, craftiness and plain dumb luck. You wanted to be a great experimenter BUT you also wanted to end up with some modicum of security.   Let it go.

People you care about offer suggestions helpfully that just plain don't help.  Let it go.

You're afraid of making a choice or a decision, fearful that things COULD always get worse, and the unknown ahead is far more fearsome than "the demons you know."  Let it go.

You feel that your best efforts don't suffice--and even you start to question whether or not you know what's best, or whether your contributions will matter to the world in the long run.  Let it go.

Let it go.

All we have is the moment.  We've had the past.  We need to clear the way to embrace the future.  But that can only happen if you . . .


Wishing all a good day of cool drinks, warm memories, and a new and refreshed sense of purpose.  Forget about worrying that it won't be perfect.  Just put it out there.  Let it be.  Let it fly!  And as for those worries that stop you from flying . . . let it go!

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